(image for) Giant Schnauzer _

Giant Schnauzer _


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This design is, a giant schnauzer standing in profile with its distinctive squared-off muzzle, long eyebrows, and beard that is characteristic of the breed; additionally it features a docked tail and the long shaggy hair on its legs.

The design is a pure silhouette so the white or black can be cut away leaving a solid shape or a void in the sheet.

This design is optimized for CNC plasma cutting, which works great for all types of CNC machines and all cutting applications. Clip art for vinyl cutter vector graphics and plasma cutting metal art work.

Wow! cost is only 13¢ in Dog Breeds Collection with 512 designs for $69.00 (USD).

Or get Old School Originals with 14,500 designs on USB for $199 (USD).
  • Download File Specs
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      82.59 KB
Working Dogs Dog Breeds Vector Art DXF SVG CNC Art for CNC Plasma Router Laser Waterjet Vinyl Cutter