(image for) Vegetables



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69 designs

  • Hand Drawn = Ultra Ready To Cut
  • .05" Kerf Tested = Plasma Friendly
  • DXF & SVG files included

printable PDF Catalog, and PDF Brochure

These vegetable clip art designs are sized 4" to 6" for plasma cutting so they are not too big and will cut like butter at that size with vinyl cutter, except the pineapple and ear of corn, those are 6.5" across, but they are all really compact, tested for kerf clearance, and with all rounded corners so they really are ideal for machine cutting, easy to work with, and ready to cut.

 dimensions are as drawn for plasma cutting with .05" kerf - can be scaled to any size
(image for) plant_life artichoke
2.50" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life arugula
4.00" x 6.00"
(image for) plant_life arugula 2
arugula 2
4.50" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life asparagus
3.00" x 4.50"
(image for) plant_life asparagus 2
asparagus 2
0.75" x 4.50"
(image for) plant_life beans
5.00" x 3.50"
(image for) plant_life bell pepper
bell pepper
3.50" x 4.00"
(image for) plant_life bell pepper 2
bell pepper 2
3.50" x 4.00"
(image for) plant_life bell peppers
bell peppers
4.75" x 4.50"
(image for) plant_life broccoli
3.50" x 4.00"
(image for) plant_life cabbage
5.50" x 5.25"
(image for) plant_life cabbage 2
cabbage 2
4.50" x 4.50"
(image for) plant_life cabbage 3
cabbage 3
5.00" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life carrot
3.00" x 4.50"
(image for) plant_life carrot 2
carrot 2
5.00" x 3.50"
(image for) plant_life cauliflower
4.50" x 3.50"
(image for) plant_life celery
5.50" x 4.00"
(image for) plant_life corn
5.25" x 6.50"
(image for) plant_life cucumber
1.75" x 5.50"
(image for) plant_life cucumber 2
cucumber 2
3.50" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life dinosaur kale
dinosaur kale
3.50" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life eggplant
4.00" x 5.50"
(image for) plant_life eggplant 2
eggplant 2
5.00" x 5.50"
(image for) plant_life fruit banana
fruit banana
5.50" x 4.25"
(image for) plant_life fruit pineapple
fruit pineapple
3.00" x 6.50"
(image for) plant_life green leaf lettuce
green leaf lettuce
4.00" x 4.50"
(image for) plant_life greens
5.50" x 5.50"
(image for) plant_life kale
4.50" x 4.50"
(image for) plant_life lettuce
5.50" x 4.50"
(image for) plant_life mizuna
4.50" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life mushroom
4.00" x 3.00"
(image for) plant_life oak lettuce
oak lettuce
3.50" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life okra
5.50" x 3.50"
(image for) plant_life onion
2.50" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life onion 2
onion 2
4.00" x 4.00"
(image for) plant_life onions
4.50" x 5.50"
(image for) plant_life peas
4.00" x 4.00"
(image for) plant_life peas 2
peas 2
3.50" x 5.50"
(image for) plant_life peas 3
peas 3
4.00" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life peas 4
peas 4
3.50" x 1.50"
(image for) plant_life pepper plant
pepper plant
3.25" x 6.00"
(image for) plant_life pepper stem
pepper stem
5.50" x 4.25"
(image for) plant_life peppers
3.50" x 3.50"
(image for) plant_life purple beet
purple beet
3.00" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life red leaf lettuce
red leaf lettuce
5.50" x 4.50"
(image for) plant_life red mangold
red mangold
5.00" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life rhoubarb
6.00" x 4.50"
(image for) plant_life romaine lettuce
romaine lettuce
4.00" x 6.00"
(image for) plant_life romaine lettuce 2
romaine lettuce 2
3.00" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life snap beans
snap beans
5.00" x 3.50"
(image for) plant_life spinach
6.00" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life spinach 2
spinach 2
5.00" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life squash
3.00" x 5.50"
(image for) plant_life squash 2
squash 2
3.00" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life squash 3
squash 3
5.00" x 3.75"
(image for) plant_life strawberry
3.00" x 4.00"
(image for) plant_life strawberry 2
strawberry 2
2.50" x 3.00"
(image for) plant_life tomato
4.00" x 3.00"
(image for) plant_life tomato 2
tomato 2
3.00" x 3.00"
(image for) plant_life tomato 3
tomato 3
3.00" x 3.00"
(image for) plant_life tomato 4
tomato 4
3.00" x 4.00"
(image for) plant_life tomato plant
tomato plant
7.00" x 6.00"
(image for) plant_life turnip
5.00" x 6.00"
(image for) plant_life turnip 2
turnip 2
4.00" x 5.00"
(image for) plant_life watermelon
6.00" x 5.50"
(image for) plant_life watermelon 2
watermelon 2
5.50" x 6.00"
(image for) plant_life zuchini
4.50" x 2.00"
(image for) plant_life zuchini 2
zuchini 2
4.50" x 3.00"
(image for) plant_life zuchini 3
zuchini 3
4.00" x 2.25"

PSA: You must use kerf compensation for most cutting machines except vinyl cutters, line engraving, and printed transfers.

Ultra Ready To Cut

SignTorch New-School

sets the standard

Hover or click image to see .05" kerf fit (green) drawn to scale.

Simple, bold, smooth, clean designs, no very narrow geometry, rounded corners, ideal for cutting.

SVG file works with Cricut, Silhouette Studio, and all known vector graphics software.

DXF has arcs and lines in polylines - gcode equivalent - ideal for CNC - do not use DXF with arcs in standard vector apps with bezier curves - use SVG for that.

Includes .txt file specifying dimensions, area, cut count, node count, path length, center of gravity, etc.

All of the above on each and every new school design - always -

unrivaled - Ultra Ready To Cut - fully qualified CNC art

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